Tag: Review Site

Reviewsio, an Upcoming Review Site


So there’s a relatively new review site that I am now just opening my eyes to. It’s called Reviewsio and so far, the deals seem to be good. The review site is based off a point system and most of the products listed on purchased via Amazon.

That being said, the site seems promising, granted that when you request a deal, it’s not guaranteed that you’re picked to purchase and review the product. It seems to be the preference of the seller to reject or accept a request, which  makes sense.

However, what separates this site from other is the points you are able to accumulate doing various activities, such as commenting, logging in, referring friends, etc. You can then save enough points to purchase additional rewards! It’s a win-win! So far, there seems to be two items available, two Amazon gift cards with a huge point cost. Although I’m a long ways away from actually being able to redeem either reward, at least I have something to look forward to! Hopefully more users will join Reviewsio so they are able to grow and then add more reward opportunities!

So go ahead and sign up to join Reviewsio, a promising new review site and join in on the fun!